Membership Care

Prayer Blanket Ministers

  In order to show God's love, the Prayer Blanket Ministers give blankets made by the Trinity family to members who are ill at home or in the hospital, to new families at trinity, and to our newborns.

Casserole Crew

  There are times when cooking is way down the list of things to do. Members of the Casserole crew prepare and deliver meals to folks who are experiencing difficulties such as illness, bereavement, or other traumatic events.

Prayer Chain

  The Prayer Chain, a telephone ministry, discreetly asks the volunteer prayer-warriors on this phone chain to offer a prayer in response to a call from anyone asking for prayer support. Charlene Beckman and Sharon Vernon are the coordinators of this ministry. If you would like to contact the Prayer Chain please call the church office.

Transportation Ministry

  Sometimes people need help getting to church and if you find yourself in this situation someone will be glad to pick you up in the church van for the 9:00 service. Please, call the church office if you would like assistance with transportation to and from the church on Sunday mornings. Call 356-0961, Monday through Friday, or 356-1359 on the weekend.

Visitation Ministry

  Our loving Parshi Visitor, Chuck Vernon, calls on parishioners who are shut-ins in their homes, are in the hospital, or are in nursing homes, to share the love of God with them.

Bear Ministry

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