Adult Ministries

Adult Sunday School Classes meet in the lower level of the church at 10:00 on Sunday mornings and all adults are welcome to join any class.

Friendship Class (Meets year round)

  The Friendship Class is a class for seniors and uses the International Series of Bible Studies materials. They promise good discussions as well a lasting friendship.

Kitchen Class (Meets year round)

  The Kitchen Class studies a variety of Christian living materials with much lively discussion and fellowship. Also, they are active behind the scenes with outreach projects.

Bible Heirs (Meets in the fall, winter, and spring)

The Bible Heirs Class studies thought-provoking Bible-based books and videos. There is always a great deal of spirited discussing in every session.

Adult Bible Studies

Alpha Course

  The Alpha Course, a practical introduction to the Christian faith, is offered twice a year and provides an opportunity to explore our relationship with Jesus Christ, God, and Holy Spirit. It is a 15-week course featuring thoughtful videos of talks by Nicky Gumbel, followed by a time of discussion in a small group.

Philippians Course

  The Philippians Course is a 9-week study based on Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Each week there is a video featuring Nicky Gumbel and explaining how we can live a Christian life positively, practically, and joyfully.

Marriage Course

  The Marriage Course is a 7-week class designed to help any couple strengthen their relationship with topics such as Building Strong Foundations, The Art of Communication, Resolving Conflict, The Power of Forgiveness.

Young Adults Small Group

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Activities for Seniors

Trinity Travelers

  Trinity Travelers usually has an event each month. The trips are low-cost, one-day outings, usually out of town, to visit and a wide variety of really fun nearby places of interest. Transportation is included.

United Methodist Women's Small Groups

Rebecca-Howard Circle

  Rebecca-Howard Circle meets the 1st Tuesday at 1:00 four times a year (February, May, September, October, and December) in Epworth Hall, and they study a series of books about missions as well as cosponsor the Christmas Tea.

Wesleyan Service Guild

  Wesleyan Service Guild meets the 4th Tuesday in March, April, May, September, October, and December. They have a program at each meeting, sponsor the inspirational Sacrificial Breakfast on Ash Wednesday, and co-sponsor the Christmas Tea.