Weekend Events for Kids

  Nursery and Toddler Care is available at both the 9:00 and the 11:00 services year round in a safe and inviting environment. Baby Monitors are furnished so that parents can be reached at all times.

Sunday School

  Children from pre-kindergarten through 5th grade, meet at 10:00 on the upper level each Sunday. Through stories, crafts, and games, the children enjoy learning from loving teachers about the love of Jesus Christ.

Kids' Kingdom

  For children from 4 years to 5th grade, Kids' Kingdom meets on Sunday evenings, September through May, from 5:30PM-7:00PM. This fun time includes Bible-based activities, stories, crafts, refreshments, and recreation.

Kids' Choir

  Kids’ Choir is open to children from kindergarten through 5th grade and rehearses September through May from 4:00-5:00, (just before Kids’ Kingdom). The children sing periodically at the 9:00 and 11:00 services, and present two musical productions each year.